5 Crucial Questions to Ask Before Purchasing Land in Africa as a Foreigner
In consulting many people over the years, here are the questions I found most significant to ask yourself before embarking on the journey of purchasing land in Africa.
Leslie E. Jones
10/11/20247 min read

Where Did the Idea to Purchase Land in Africa Come From?
The decision to purchase land in Africa is often driven by a multitude of factors that reflect both personal goals and global trends. For many individuals, the allure of Africa emerges from its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and the promise of a unique lifestyle.
The continent’s emerging economies attract investors searching for potential financial returns, creating an increasing interest in real estate investment in different African countries. Individuals seeking a connection to their roots often consider land acquisition as a means to establish a physical presence in Africa.
This longing can be influenced by ancestral ties or a desire to being immersed in the continent's vibrant cultures and communities. Whether spurred by nostalgia or a quest for authenticity, these motivations underscore the emotional significance of investing in land that symbolizes identity and belonging.
As I have consulted many people over the years there is a common denominator with all of them: 1. Emotionally Imbalanced 2. Rushing. The adventurous spirit of many individuals looking to break away from conventional lifestyles may lead them to explore new opportunities in Africa.
I believe with all my heart that desiring to move back to The Motherland is phenominal and says a lot about the individual, but get a clear understanding of the underlying reasons that fuel a desire to own land in Africa. Now that the politically correct response is out the way.
Let's be honest with ourselves and soul search. What celebrity campaign, influencer, spiritual leader, or your countries political climate triggered your idea to buy land in The Motherland? To be honest. buying land in The Motherland was no were near my thoughts until I lived in China, watched a video of Akon talking about the urgency to buy land in Africa, and the political climite in the United States of America in early 2020.
Where did your trigger come from? Soul search because whatever triggered you is the foundation of your decision to uproot you and your families life to go somewhere different. Not better...DIFFERENT. Did the foundation of your decision come from someone elses vision for their life or a counrtries motive to increase their Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Are you living out someone elses vision?
Why Do You Want to Buy Land in Africa?
When contemplating the purchase of land in Africa, it is essential to first clarify the underlying motivations for this investment. Understanding your purpose for acquiring land will significantly influence every aspect of the process, including location, land type, and future plans.
For many, the appeal of buying land in Africa lies in the potential for lucrative investments. The continent is rich in resources, offering opportunities in sectors such as tourism, real estate, and agriculture. Investors keen on tapping into these sectors should consider the economic trends and growth projections specific in the area they are interested in.
On the other hand, individuals may be drawn to purchasing land in Africa for personal use, such as establishing a vacation home. Owning a retreat in a picturesque location can provide a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing for relaxation and rejuvenation.
It is important to consider the accessibility of the property and the amenities available in the vicinity, as these factors will heavily impact the fulfillment of this personal goal. Additionally, long-term residency goals may also drive foreigners to invest in land. Understanding local laws and regulations regarding land ownership for non-citizens is crucial.
This clarity not only shapes your investment strategy but also ensures that you make informed decisions throughout the buying journey. Overall, defining what you want to achieve through your land purchase is a critical step in aligning your efforts with your investment goals.
For me, I saw the potential in real estate in Ghana as an emerging market that will provide wealth and options for my family. I bought two lands but like I mentioned above, understanding local laws, regulations, and culture is crucial. I dropped the ball when it came to learning the culture, speciaflly on how they view single entreprenuerial women.
Unfortunately, one of the land purchases was a scam and the second land which is beachfront is close to registration after 3 years of dealing with negligence. Folks, do not be in a rush and stay emotionally balanced. A lot of us are running from past trauma from our birth countries and thinking Africa is the answer.
I am here to tell you. Africa is not the answer. It is another location with a different spirit. I encourage you to not think relocating from one place to another is the solution. It is impossible to run from trauma. Deal with the mind then see if moving to another country aids in your healing.
What Research Did You Do?
Before embarking on the journey of purchasing land in Africa as a foreigner, conducting thorough research is imperative. A foundational aspect of this research involves understanding the local laws and regulations that govern land ownership (I will continue to purposely repeat this).
Each country in Africa has its specific legal framework regarding foreign ownership of land, making it essential to know the rules applicable to your chosen region. This includes understanding the process required for foreigners wishing to secure property rights, which can vary significantly from one country to another.
In addition, potential buyers should delve into land rights issues. This encompasses a thorough investigation into the history of land ownership in that area, any legal disputes that may have taken place, and the status of land title documentation. Knowing who has claims to the land can prevent future conflicts and safeguard your investment.
GET A LAWYER - It's beneficial to connect with local experts or lawyers who are well-versed in the specifics of land transactions in the specific country. In conclusion, a comprehensive research approach is crucial for any foreigner considering land purchase in Africa.
Knowledge of the legal frameworks, land rights, market trends, and environmental factors equips you with the necessary insights to make wise investment choices while minimizing risks with land transactions.
When Are You Visiting?
A physical visit offers an invaluable opportunity to assess the land's physical qualities and to engage directly with the local community. Observing the land in person allows you to evaluate different aspects, such as the accessibility, proximity to amenities, and the overall environment, which can all influence the land’s value and usage.
Do not under-estimate meeting with a lawyer and doing The Due Diligence Process with them. Understanding the legal context is important for foreign investors, as regulations can vary across different countries and regions in Africa. You should take the time to ask questions and gather information that will help in making an informed decision.
Ultimately, visiting should not be over-looked. Unfortunately, I have consulted many people over the years and people are buying land without even visting first. IN ALL TRUTHFULLNESS, why would you do that? I am glad you asked. Two reasons: emotionally imbalnced and rushing.
The trauma mentioned earlier is the reason. Some of us have rose colored glasses on and have been sold an excellent image of returning to Africa. So much so we relinquish our intellect for an emotional high. I am guilty of it, which is why I got conned out my money with my first purchase.
I ignored all the signs and was sold a picture of potential. How many of us know...potential is not a sure foundation to any personal or business relationship. Let's start with the facts and go from there. I know what it is to buy land through relinquishing my common sense becaue of being emotionally imbalanced and in a rush.
It clouds reasoning. Do not allow yourself to ignore the red flags. That is why you are reading this right now. To learn from my mistakes. COME OUT OF THAT STUPOR! Reuglate yourself and calm down. No rsuh. I strongly suggest your first visit to Africa be a currated one.
Just go, visit, and soak in all the beauty the continent has to offer without worrying about the logistics. I dropped the ball in this area too. I went as a minimalist and had a below minimum experience. Africa is not a place were you want to be a minimalist. In the West and Europe, you can travel as a minimalist and have 5-Star experiences.
Not in The Motherland. You get what you pay for. Do not be cheap I beggeth thee. Travel according to your Travel Personality. Take a free quick 10 question quiz to find out your travel style and plan your trip according to your results. You will be glad you did!
How Would You Feel If You Lost Your Money?
The decision to invest in land, particularly in Africa as a foreigner, requires a multifaceted approach including an honest evaluation. As with any investment, there exists a risk of financial loss, which can trigger a variety of emotions. Understanding how you would cope with losing a significant amount of money is crucial.
Would it lead to anxiety, regret, or a reevaluation of future investments? These are important questions to address before purchasing. Investments in real estate can be unpredictable, influenced by a range of factors including market volatility, local regulations, and unforeseen economic shifts.
An informed investor understands that with the potential for substantial returns comes the likelihood of encountering challenges, and the reality of loss is part of this landscape. It is essential to assess your risks. This includes contemplating your personal financial situation, understanding your investment goals, and determining your capacity to absorb potential losses.
Consider the emotional ramifications of investing in land. From financial strain to the psychological burden of uncertainty, the repercussions can be profound. Fear of loss may discourage individuals from making necessary decisions or pushing them into regrettable actions out of desperation.
Being mentally and emotionally prepared for loss is vital. By acknowledging the emotional aspects tied to financial investments, you'll be better prepared to navigate the complexities of land acquisition in Africa. For my journey, I reflected the loss in my deceion.
But what I did not consider is the scamming culture in Ghana. Due to lack of governance people can make contracts and purposely dishonor them with no consequences even when it is clearly fraud. What I was told from the Economic and Organized Crime Office (equivalent to the FBI in the States) in Ghana is "What is considered fraud in the States is not fraud here. This is Ghana."
I have been to the highest forms of government with more than enough evidence of fraud but still no refund or punishment for KAS Estates LTD. Ultimately, weighing the potential for loss against your risk tolerance and emotional resilience will empower you to approach the process with clarity and caution.
Preparing for the worst while hoping for the best fosters a balanced perspective on your investment ventures. Please remember when there is little to no laws and regulations, it is no longer risk tolerance. It is a GAMBLE. Are you willing to gamble. That decision is ultimately yours my friend.
Do Not Rush and Stay Emotionally Balanced. Until next time...Live your Best Life!
P.S. Just in case you missed my recommendations, here are the links: